Approximately 20 years ago Nino Graziano, one of the best Sicilian chefs, left his successful two-star Il Mulinazzo restaurant in Sicily and moved to Moscow in order to lead the kitchen of the Semifreddo restaurant, and later La Bottega Siciliana. Now, Nino Graziano, with all the grounds, calls the Russian capital his home. The chef himself stands in the kitchen, preparing for the guests author's Italian dishes with an emphasis on fish and seafood.
Bad boss praises himself, good - his team. And, perhaps, the main person in the team of Nino Graziano in this restaurant is, of course, Claudio Pirovano. Claudio is from Rimini. His grandmother and grandfather kept a small hotel, and my mother was the chef in the restaurant with her. Pirovano arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the brand-chef Semifreddo Group Nino Graziano and in 2012 he headed the kitchen of La Bottega Siciliana.
Denis Svichkarev
Managing restaurant work and service